About the band

New Gondoliers is a Croatian-based indie-folk / alternative pop music band. Alen Čelić, a singer-songwriter and performance artist, is at the core of the band. Alen lived most of his youth in Berlin, Germany, where he performed in theatres, wrote music, and studied stage movement. Over 10 years ago, upon his return to Croatia, Alen Čelić and Veljko Popović formed a duo that worked on songs Alen wrote in his lifelong career.  Today, New Gondoliers has become one of the best live acts in Croatia, with the new album, “Art Cartel” released in 2025 to great critical acclaim.


New Gondoliers are:


Alen Čelić, Vocals and guitar


Veljko Popović, drums and back vocals


Rudolf Vučemilović, bass guitar


Nina Ipavec, back vocals, rhythm guitar


Ivan Škvorc, saxophone, keyboards

“Alen Čelić, the bands frontman describes their style as “gentleman pop“. You could also use the title of their song - ``Fancy & rough!“


Ravno do dna glazbeni portal
“Najviše volim albume koji se pojave niotkuda i probiju se preko reda u planove slušanja, pa onda i u potpunosti preuzmu playlistu pametnim tekstovima i zaraznim melodijama, a ja više ne moram brinuti što će i kako ove godine domaća scena skuhati, jer ja sam jednog od glavnih favorita pronašao na samom početku”
lp-underground glazbeni portal
..”Nemojte propustiti izvrsne koncerte (ozbiljno vam kažem da su postali jedna od najvećih koncertnih atrakcija u Hrvatskoj) i budite sigurni da će album biti jedan od najboljih albuma godine u domaćoj i regionalnoj konkurenciji.”
“Indiedock” music blog
The Croatian singer-songwriter Alen Čelić has spent more than 20 years of his creative life in Berlin and is now returning with his new project New Gondoliers to capture and form a collection of his own songs as an album. The band’s debut album is called ‘Escape Town’ and contains 10 songs.

‘Parachuter’ blooms with pleasant country rock with a great ensemble arrangement. The vocals of sound insightful and truthful. The song tells a life story that is fascinating and calming. The track ‘Lowland Wind’ has the energetic rhythm of a fast train that carries via vast expanses of wildlife where people are delighted with the grandeur of these landscapes and impending adventures.

‘Boys from the South’ soft rock composition with a light drive and a colorful composition.

The track ‘Escape Town’ got a Balkan wind in American sound. Beautiful lyrics and a pleasant vocal timbre give a good mood.

‘Hotels Motels’ This is a cool blues song with a rocky sound and a strange and clockwork atmosphere.

Listen to the full album ‘New Gondoliers Escape Town’ from New Gondoliers on Spotify below and enjoy the quality sounds of Croatian rock n roll.

NACIONAL newspaper reveals its list of best albums in 2021. Journalist, music critic and radio host Ante Marković includes “Escape Town” in his list of best albums in 2021.

The article

„Escape Town“ je ukopan u topli južnjački zvuk iz kojeg progovaraju narativi Elvisa Costella, Boba Dylana i J.J. Calea i posjeduje karakteristike albuma ceste. No radi se o zanimljivoj igri podneblja i glazbene priče. Glazba odgovara narativu neke mitske vožnje američkom cestom Route 66, ali tekstovi kroje drukčiji krajolik, onaj mediteranski.

The article



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